Business Role

Portfolio Manager

Manage your portfolios in an easy-to-use solutions, and keep tabs on each of your assets.

Performance Metrics

Analyze performance per line item. Attribute performance to different segments of your portfolios. Slice and dice P&L's using your perspective of choice.

Portfolio Surveillance

View the aggregate performance of your CLO bonds. See your exposures across different metrics.

Customizable Dashboards

Create custom dashboards to view and understand your risk allocations. Configure any number of dashboards using our ever-growing library of components.

CLO Cashflow Projections

Create an unlimited number of custom scenarios using values, vectors, variables, and custom functions as inputs to the scenarios.

Other Features

Cashflow Management

View your current cash positions. Understand your future cash position based on asset cashflow projections.

CLO Deal Analysis

Dive into the analytics and relative value metrics of any specific deal. Run valuations and liquidation NAVs. View distributions of collateral across various fields.

Integrity Monitoring

Quickly define restrictions on investable assets, ratings, issuers, etc. Monitor compliance on an ongoing basis.

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