Business Line

CLO Manager

Discover the platforms Valitana offers to help you dive into your CLOs and manage your collateral.

Investment Pipeline

Track and monitor your investment pipeline for due diligence purposes. Create custom workflows for evaluating potential investments, including multi-level review and approval steps.

Manager Analysis

View aggregate metrics across numerous deals for a single manager. View loan exposures. Compare your performance with that of other managers. View overlaps in collateral between your deals and that of others.


Quickly evaluate the effect of one or more hypo trades on your portfolio metrics and compliance limits.

Deal Analysis

View the performance of your deals. Deep dive into the analytics and relative value metrics of any specific deal. See distributions of collateral across various fields.

Other Features

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Monitor Portfolio

Create custom dashboards which provide details on your exposures to various loan attributes, such as maturities, spreads, price buckets, etc. View consolidated P&L across portfolios, and attribute gains and losses to any particular subset of the portfolio.

Manager Transactions

Dive into historical holdings across issuers for each manager. See all purchases and sales by asset for each manager. View realized and unrealized P&L’s by issuer and industry across each manager’s deals.

Vendor Integrations

Integrate with data vendors, back offices, and loan administrators to onboard and maintain your loan master.

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